Your Quantum Rx Healing Program

Written by Lisa Gylsen

Free 15 Minute Consultation

When working with you one-to-one, we start together with your free 15-minute consultation to discuss your health issues and goals. I will also explain what you can expect in working with me, in order to get to the root cause of your issue and the path to resolution. You will come out of that session with your first tip to start the process and a clear plan of how you will achieve your goals. 

Photo by Alex Green

Health Questionnaire

I then send you a detailed questionnaire to complete. This gives me a better feel for your current lifestyle, diet, and health status which is essential to the process of determining root cause. It gives you more clarity as well – helping you to really think about your habits and health in-depth.

Coaching Calls

In our first online coaching call, we discuss your questionnaire, run the diagnostics, and go through your detailed program together. Quantum Biofeedback plays a major role in both confirming the key areas to be addressed, identifying more specific factors that are impacting your health, and then assisting in addressing those areas. You will have regular coaching calls as well as weekly check-ins for the duration of your program.

Your Program

Along with fulfilling recommended diet and health practices geared toward resolving the root cause issue, you will be using the Quantum Biofeedback client app daily to run personalised balancing frequencies. You upload a voice recording in the app weekly and I provide frequencies that are unique to your body, mind, and biofield. Your body is constantly changing and therefore the balancing frequencies need to change too. This allows you to continue to clear the next energy block, detox, boost, or soothe specific areas of your system. This weekly check-in allows us to track progress toward bringing you back to homeostasis where your full healing power is released. 


I have found that it generally takes three months to resolve root cause issues. Many issues have taken years to develop and most people have just been working on the symptoms vs the root cause. Root cause is not going to be resolved with a pill from the doctor or a handful of supplements. By focusing on this targeted program, you will finally be able to address your real issues.

Photo by Alexas Fotos

This is your chance to make lasting changes in your lifestyle that are doable, that will avoid serious long-term health issues, and will help you to feel amazing for the rest of your life.

Main – Photo by SHVETS production