7 Reasons to Learn & Practise “Meet Yourself Meditation”


Benefits of Meditation

Meditation has been proven to Improve physical and mental health, and general wellbeing. In addition, practising Meet Yourself Meditation will enable you to:

  1. Develop self-awareness and emotional stability – deliberately paying attention to what happens in your mind and body allows you to become more familiar with the workings of your own mind and its patterns and habits, including those which may no longer be helpful. Thus, you can learn to spot ‘warning signs’ before stress becomes overwhelming; and choose how best to respond, rather than reacting in old, familiar but unhelpful, ways. Hence, increase your ability to manage difficult situations responsibly, and to make wise choices.
  2. Develop a strong sense of ‘self’ and purpose – understand and honour your genuine feelings and aspirations, so you can live authentically from the heart, feeling good about yourself, without fear or guilt.
  3. Cultivate empathy, and compassion for yourself and others –be emotionally aware, and learn to accept yourself and others with love, respect and understanding, thus forming stronger relationships based on mutual trust and support, rather than codependency or selfishness.
  4. Strengthen your sense of moral integrity – recognise and accept your weaknesses with humility and courage, and work honestly towards eliminating them.
  5. Gain the confidence to believe “I can” – use your inner resources to overcome fears and to find solutions to challenges. Thus, develop your creativity, resilience and fortitude.
  6. Improve focus, motivation and self-discipline – these come naturally when you align your life with your innate talents and aspirations.
  7. Live every moment with greater awareness and appreciation, and less anxiety and stress.

Photo by Toni Reed on Unsplash

Photo by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash