Happy New Year to you all and I sincerely hope that this year will bring you fulfilled dreams, goals and many abundant blessings.

Before you embark fully on this new year, have you taken time out to reflect…
What is it you truly want?
What is your deepest burning desire?
I find that this really helps me. Speaking to God (or whatever higher source you believe in) is not just about you speaking, we should also allow a lot of time for listening. Your mind may not want that, instead it just wants you to keep on thinking! Sometimes our minds cannot stand the silence.
Remember, your mind is not you.
You own it, it is like your computer. It is a tool and if you do not know how to direct it, it will direct you. That is why it is sometimes said, “you are your own worst enemy.”
When you find your mind is racing, practice calming your mind. Focus for a few moments on your breathing. Just be aware of the air coming in and out of your nostrils and lungs.

When your mind is focused on this, it stops thinking. When it stops thinking, then think of God and speak to Him. Speak to Him as a friend speaks to a friend, as a child speaks to his father. Always keep this time for just being still, be quiet and wait for God to utter something inside you. It might be an inspiration, consolation, a sensation, a feeling of joy. He comes in many different ways.
Quiet meditation whether you believe in God or another source is vitally important to us all. It is good for our Mind, Body and Soul.
So, I’m encouraging you to take time out every single day…
…Just for you.
Once you have determined and defined what it is you really want for this new year, make it your primary goal. Write it down in as much detail as possible and hold that image in your mind. What will the end result look like to you? Hold fast to the image of that end result. Never let anyone or anything deter you from your goal.

For many people the new year brings resolutions to detox from all the festive party food, have an alcohol free month or just get healthier and fitter. Remember that achieving this is for your highest and greatest good and aids in our longevity. Keep to a natural, freshly prepared wholesome daily diet, one filled with raw fruits and vegetables. Make it colourful and bright. Enjoy the time you spend preparing meals and eat mindfully and enjoy. Exercise is also key, commit to something you enjoy or maybe mix it up and have a few activities throughout the week you can enjoy. I personally enjoy brisk walking, yoga classes and swimming.

If you need help with a natural weight management program or would like a mentor to walk alongside you to help you keep focused on your goal, I’m here for you. Message me and let’s do this together.
To your Optimum Health & Wellbeing
Main – Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash