The New Tobacco! At the end of February, the BMJ (British Medical Journal) published a paper...
Author - Amanda King, ND
Supplements? Health Boost or Expensive Pee?
Some of the questions I get asked include… Which supplements should I choose to boost my health...
Healthy Habits
How To Stick To Them Do you find that you begin the New Year with enthusiasm, ready to create the...
Everything but the Turkey
Winter beckons! It’s that wonderful season of celebrations and gatherings. We all have images of...
A Simmering Secret
Unlocking the Healing Potential of Bone Broth The world has shrunk! Globalisation has reduced the...
Stress Management
Stress is a word that covers a multitude of meanings to many people. We all have differing...
Prostate Health
The prostate is a small, walnut sized gland. Part of the male reproductive system it is located...
The Gallbladder
The gallbladder is a small pear shaped organ which produces and stores bile. It is located under...
Fat is bad for you and other myths
Some of us will remember a time when margarine was touted as a health food in favour of butter...
Going with your Gut
Probiotics, meaning ‘for life’, are the friendly bacteria that live in our body. They are on our...