You may be feeling that you are going through a process of transformation at the moment...
Author - Nóra Therèse Leahy
The Sister Wound
A vital aspect of healing the feminine is acknowledging the Sister Wound on both an individual and...
Embracing Our Inner Goddess
We are hearing a lot about goddess energy these days, but many women, unfortunately, have felt both...
Staying On Track…
… In Challenging Times With all the tension in the collective recently, it may be challenging...
The world needs love. It is crying out for it among the vulnerable, the abused, victims of...
Uncovering Truth
The energies on the planet are intensifying. As a result, a lot of truth is surfacing, unravelling...
New Earth?
What Is It All About? You have probably seen New Earth and Ascension crop up a...
Healing The Distorted or Wounded Feminine
Divine Feminine consciousness is rising, signalling a pivotal moment in human evolution where we...
Balancing Masculine & Feminine Energy
A significant portion of the work I have been engaged in over the past number of years, and even...