Back pain – Only in your head, or for “real”? Part 2

Local or central pain.

We can also categorise pain as local or central. An example of local pain is the aforementioned ankle spraining. Local pain should be treated locally.
But if you have pain in the right and left knees at the same time, or only on the right half of the body, or the pain moves around in your body, then it’s probably not a bunch of different local pains. Now we are talking about something we could label as central pain. Central and psychological pain should be treated centrally, not locally.

Usually it’s our interpretation of reality that must be addressed, i.e. the root cause. Take for example a deep feeling of having to be in control. It’s this “need for control” that is the root cause of your behaviour and actions.
Our behaviour and patterns is something we develop before we turn 6. This is a completely different subject and I will get into this in another article, but briefly, before the age of 6, we have only Delta and Theta brain waves. These brain waves operate on the subconscious part of the brain (the part that makes sure your blood filter through the kidneys, or breaks down your breakfast into energy, and what the body can restore, reuse, stow away for worse times and what needs to eliminated.) The subconscious part of the brain also controls blood pressure and your pH level. This part of the brain is programmed (by others) during our first years here on planet earth, from 0 to 6 years. Everything you’ve learned and noted during these years will be stored in the subconscious part of our brain.

At 6 (ish) our beloved young ones experience a less then joyful time in our lives, the second obstinate age, (the first one is the terrible twos). This somewhat obstinate behaviour coincides with developing the next brain wave, Alpha. This is a time of existential understanding and growth in our young children, the “I” occurs for the first time. Who am I, why should I listen to you, why am I here, I can die, my parents can die.  It is now that our conscious part of the brain joins in. This part is where we will be spending most of our time for the rest of our lives.

It is in this part of the brain that you’ll find yourself in most of your life, Apha brain waves (and later Beta). This is your conscious part of your brain, the one who knows where you live, how to count, logical, linear thinking, understand the consequence of jaywalking, etc. But this isn’t the part where your control needs are located, nor your fear of not being good enough, the need to constantly chase confirmation from others, high performance demands on yourself, etc. These fears and anxieties are located in the subconscious part of the brain.

You can’t say:
Ahhh, I’ve grown tired of my claustrophobia (or control need). I’ll just stop it.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that; you have to reprogram these patterns / programs in the subconscious part of the brain in order to change the outcome. True, with years of therapy you can learn to accept and control the behavior and thus imagine that you’ve chased away the ghosts. But accepting or controlling your ghosts, doesn’t mean that they are gone forever. In order to actually get a long lasting change, you have to re-write the faulty programs.

If you recognize yourself, you feel that you might have some mental/psychological ghosts that haunt you, then I suggest that you contact one of the following therapists/therapies:
PSYCK-K, EFT, The Journey, NLP, Master of QINOpractic Medicine practitioner or similar therapy. A coach could also do the trick, but only if they can treat you on a subconscious level.
To once again refer back to the first article, make sure the therapist would treat the Why and doesn’t focus so much on What or how they do it. The most important question you need to ask yourself is Why they do what they do, not How they do it.

If you’re not sure on how to move forward, feel free to contact me and I’ll try to help as best I can.

Wow, I guess we’ll have to finish my thoughts in the last article in this series later on. Stay tuned.