Sitting has been called ‘the new smoking’. Smart watches and other wearable tech tell us when to...
Category - Lifestyle
Sometimes small changes to habits, diet, exercise can set your physical and mental health on the right path.
Using NLP to gain even more Confidence in your Business
Mindset is key in driving awareness to your bustling business. How can mindset help? Well, mindset...
What is NLP?
NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. Neuro = neurologyLinguistic = languageProgramming =...
Health & Wellness Coaches… What Do They Do?
Do you have goals? Goals that you know would have a positive impact on how you feel? I think we all...
Comparison: The Thief of Joy?
I love paperclips. There, I’ve said it. And not your bog-standard silver issue ones, oh no. I’m...
What is Meditation?
‘So what is meditation?’ is the first cry that normally echoes around when mentioned in...
Hallowe’en Yoga
This Halloween let’s tap into the darker side of yoga with some haunting balance work and...
What is forgiveness & why is it so important?
So what is forgiveness? “Forgiveness is a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of...
Mindfulness and Meditation
What’s the difference anyway?