In Ayurveda summertime is associated with Pitta dosha and the element of fire and water...
Category - Nutrition
Nutrition is a critical part of health and development. Effective management of food intake and nutrition are both key to good health. Smart nutrition and food choices can help prevent disease.
The Significance of Nutrition for Autism
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurological and developmental disorder that results from...
Fat is bad for you and other myths
Some of us will remember a time when margarine was touted as a health food in favour of butter...
The Power of Nutrition for Managing Long Covid
While the recent pandemic may soon become a distant memory for many and with the majority of people...
Going with your Gut
Probiotics, meaning ‘for life’, are the friendly bacteria that live in our body. They are on our...
The Evolution of Stress
“I am stressed!!’’‘’The Doctor has signed me off with stress!’’ This is all too common now and many...
Reducing your sugar consumption
The modern-day diet has resulted in the average person consuming excessive amounts of sugars on a...
How to balance them naturally. In a healthy body our hormones have a multitude of functions. They...
We hear about it all the time, we need more magnesium… eat this food, it’s a good source of...