At some point everyone has heard about Shamanism in one way or another and many use it as a “catch...
Category - Spiritual
Spiritual therapies aim to treat the soul as well as mind and body by accessing individual belief systems.
Tranquil Tails
In the realm of holistic well-being for our furry companions, the concept of calming energy healing...
Meaning and Origins “Meditation” is derived from the Latin words “meditari” and “mederi”, meaning...
Finding Healing and Connection Through Aromatherapy
The Journey of Jacqueline Johnson In the tranquil Godalming area, a beacon of healing and positive...
The Power of Psychic Animal Communication and Reiki Energy...
The bond between humans and their canine companions is a remarkable and profound connection. Dogs...
Stress Management
Stress is a word that covers a multitude of meanings to many people. We all have differing...
Dwarf Planets in Astrology and their Giant Impact on Collective...
For the last couple of decades, some astrologers have been exploring and paying attention to the...
Dream Therapy
Dreams have been used for thousands of years as a way to connect with the self, receive spiritual...
Let’s talk (meow or woof) about pet mental health
Mental health is an essential topic. Not just for human health and wellbeing but also for animals...