The Evolution from Seeker to CBT & Mindfulness Coach In a world that moves at an ever...
Category - Therapies
Articles covering a wide variety of complementary therapies from Reiki to Matrix Re-imprinting. Dive in and discover more.
I’ll do it tomorrow… After lunch I will make a start… I was going to – but then Rob called...
Insomnia & Treatment
The world is finally looking at sleep as a fundamental need to maintain good health. When we...
Women’s Healing & the Feminine Voice Expression
The voice is a potent instrument that we all carry within. Many of us associate it with the ability...
The Link Between Chronic Pain & Positive Life Events
I was originally going to use the title: “The link between pain and major life events”, but that...
Moon Bathing
What Is It And Why Is It Good For You? Image by Dorothe from Pixabay Did you know that moon bathing...
The Holistic Odyssey
A Journey to Wellness through Integrated Therapies In our fast-paced world, the pursuit of well...
Is Shibari A Wellbeing Activity?
When I tell people I work in wellbeing they often ask what exactly that means. When I explain that...
The Other NHS
In the UK each day we’re bombarded with stories about the NHS – how they are overrun and...