In our Western civilisation, Michael is probably one of the most well-known and well-loved Archangels who works with humanity.

As the Archangel of Strength, Protection & Truth, he is one of the Archangels who has been working untiringly for our planet since it came into existence. Being an Angel, Michael still possesses a profound knowledge about our workings and functionings as human beings. His knowledge of our race is deeply embodied in the way he relates to working with us, helping and supporting us persistently and steadily on our life journey.
Michael’s energy is focused and strong, like a laser beam. Although Angels are androgynous in gender, Archangel Michael embodies the male archetype of a courageous, fearless, resilient peace warrior. He has also been described as the ‘No Nonsense Angel’ as he gets to task straight away in a very clear cut, precise and down to earth fashion. If you hear him then you will find that his guidance is loud and clear and to the point.
His expertise is extracting, clearing, removing and shifting any form of negative energies such as fearful thoughts, worries, doubts, any heavy and dense thought-forms and emotions that derive from ego based, lower will thinking. He is generally depicted with a shield and a sword of light which he uses to cut away and to disperse negative energy.
His energy field is loving yet firm, very supportive, strengthening yet soothing at the same time. In my personal experience with Michael I have literally felt him supporting me by sensing being held up by my elbows as if being lifted. Incidentally if we look up the significance of elbows in holistic healing we will find that elbows are linked to changing directions and accepting new experiences. For us humans it is not always easy to accept and go forward with change. Therefore feeling supported in this aspect is a vital part of life as life never stands still but is ever changing and in constant motion.

His keywords are: Strength, Protection, Truth.
Colours associated with Michael: Indigo Blue and other shades of Deep Blues.
Ask to be enveloped in Michael’s energy if:
- you require strength and protection throughout the day (imagine a beautiful bubble of deep indigo blue all around you, keeping you safe);
- you are involved in challenging situations such as going through a divorce, or relationship break-up as well as redundancy or any other form of challenging situation that requires extra physical as well as mental and emotional stamina (imagine Michael by your side shielding you from any harmful thoughts, words, deeds and actions);
- you require extra support and protection for loved ones, your children, other family members (under the Law of Grace you can send Michael to your loved ones to keep them safe throughout the day);
You can also ask Michael to:
- look after your house and home, your car and any other kind of possessions;
- clear and remove any negative energy from yourself as well as your children and other loved ones;
- to clear and remove any negative energy from your living space or your work environment;
- come to people/situations that require protection or where you feel that negative energy needs to be removed (again you can do this under the Law of Grace);
Have you enjoyed reading this article and like to find out more about Angels? Nina runs regular Angel Workshops in the South-West area of the UK. Her next Angel Workshop is coming up on the 28th February at Heaven sent Spiritual Healing Centre, Westerleigh, Bristol. For more information go to: