Physical Symptoms
Physical symptoms, or those involving our bodies, are often caused by an excessive secretion of adrenaline, which is commonly known as the stress hormone. We distinguish following signs:
- increase in heart rate;
- accelerated breathing;
- excessive sweating;
- coldness of the body, primarily of the skin, hands and feet, caused by blood flow to other internal organs;
- nausea;
- muscle tension, sometimes even trembling;
- insomnia;
- dry mouth;
Emotional symptoms
decreased energy due to feelings of fear, frustration, or anxiety;
- an overall feeling of malaise;
- a sense of boredom by the individual;
- irritability;
- sadness;
- helplessness;
- powerlessness;
- low self-esteem;
Intellectual Symptoms
- lack of concentration;
- chaos of thought;
- inability to make any decisions;
- lack of satisfaction with work, study, family, etc;
- difficult situations that require involvement are perceived by the individual as a threat rather than a challenge of sorts;
- decreased motivation;
- lack of self-confidence;
- deterioration of memory;
Symptoms seen in behaviour
- nervous movements and increased gesticulation;
- rapid speech, stuttering or, on the contrary, so called “lump in the throat”;
- general tension manifested by frequent yawning or nail biting;
- use of stimulants: alcohol, cigarettes, drugs or medication;
- lack of appetite or extreme increase in appetite;
- aggression;
- bad attitude toward others.

I invite you to deepen your knowledge of the psychology of stress by reading my eBook: Master Stress through Yoga.
We know that chronic stress is very dangerous to the body and mental health, so how can we help ourselves to combat it in a pleasant way?
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