
Kev Bailey
Written by Kev Bailey

The most holistic therapy I know

Kinesiology seems to be the “unknown therapy” as few people have heard of it and many perhaps shun it through lack of understanding. Kinesiology is one of the “less is more” subtler modes of restoring client health.

How does Kinesiology work

Kinesiology is the only therapy I know where the client’s own body is able to tell the therapist what requires “fixing”. Through a series of muscle tests that relate to both meridian lines and therefore organs in the body, we are able to determine where the energy blockages are that are affecting the client. Once these blockages are located the therapist can initiate a “fix” using lymphatic massage (drainage), running meridian lines and holding neural vascular points to balance those energies and get the client’s systems flowing again.

We are able most times to restore “factory settings” on certain valves and glands which reset the body’s functions back to optimum. Kinesiology allows us to stabilise blood sugar levels for clients, determine food intolerances and vitamin and mineral deficiencies.


Stresses can be relieved through emotional stress relief methods. This not only creates emotional relief for the client by removing them from the “fight or flight” mechanism but also helps the stomach, which is our 2nd brain, to start functioning again more normally. Once the stomach is fully functioning again it is able to digest more easily the very vitamins and minerals that we require. Long term stress is a killer and stress doesn’t just mean emotional, it can be over training, poor diet, not drinking enough water, not getting enough sleep and so on. Kinesiologists  are not trained councillors, so we, as kinesiologists do not need to know the intimate details of the thought processes that are causing the stress but just act as a relief to purge the tension from the system. We can also check the client for Bach Flower remedy requirements through muscle testing. These  help to allay stress on a subconscious level and change behavioural habits which may be preventing us from moving forward.

Treatment for old injuries

Kinesiologists are able to negate the body’s retained memory of old injuries. This is where you may get recurring injuries in the same place because the body has remembered the original injury and subsequently subconsciously thinks that this place is still weak (it may be that this is the case, but muscle testing will determine that). Kinesiologists can release the trauma from that injury.

Structural Alignments

We can use kinesiology to fix structural alignments ie. re-align hips, the spinal column, the atlas etc. This is done quite subtly and without severe manipulation. We can also relieve muscle tension and balance active and reactive muscles.

Chronic Illness

Kinesiologists can help reduce the symptoms suffered by clients with long term chronic disease and, in a lot of cases, regress them because we are able to locate most, if not all, of the triggers and reset them. Even if a client is not able to be muscle tested themselves we can use a surrogate who will test as if they are the client and any fixes can then be applied to the client.


Kinesologists can also offer help to those people with allergies such as pollen and pet hair by desensitizing them to the irritants.


I believe kinesiology is pure magic. Providing the client wants to get better (and some don’t) kinesiology can play a huge part in either reducing or fixing the problem. All in all I think that a good Kinesiologists may be able to help people have a good quality of life by reducing or removing as many symptoms of an illness or discomfort as possible.