Pyramid of Purpose

Medicine with Words

Pyramid of Purpose


“I have no idea what to do!”

“I’m going to do everything!”

Attend every festival, every event, and every meet-up: I’m going to throw everything at the wall and see what sticks! I am fortunate because at least I have clarity on the creative industry being my “thing”. I know I love being a mum, I love helping my daughter with whatever she is working on and going through. I literally adore being her mother. So I want to help her focus. I want to travel, see the world and visit so many places. Life is too short not to travel. Other cultures inspire me, I feel reinvigorated by travel. These were just a few of the concepts constantly in my mind. So how could I make clear decisions, how would I know the “right” thing to put my energy and time into? What is my meaning or purpose? I realised that it wasn’t understanding the final purpose, it was about having mini meanings along the way. Having tools and exercises to guide me to work out what those were.

Recognise the Shift!

Strong desire to make alterations. You feel like you want a change.
Hear your inner musings and thoughts to feel your gut. Listen to your intuition.
Impossible is what a lot of people will say. As Audrey Hepburn said “anything is possible. The word itself says ‘I’m possible’”.
Future is exciting. You never know what lies ahead, so embrace it.
Trust yourself. Only you know what is best for you.

The Big Question Mark

As of right now, who are you doing this for? Whom are you trying to please? Challenge what you’ve always been told and believe. If you are not doing this for yourself, why are you doing it? Write down who or what has been influencing your decisions. Write down the people who’ve said things to you and what they have said. Write on the back of this page what makes you happy and what you would want to do.