
Self Love

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. ”


When was the last time you really practiced Self-Love? If you’re struggling to remember, then you need to read this!

Self Care

Self-care is not selfish. Self-care is not indulgent. Self-care is a key ingredient for maintaining a healthy mind, a healthy body, an energised lifestyle and a positive outlook on life.

I’ll be the first to admit that it isn’t always easy to dedicate enough time to self-love. We lead such busy lives that our hectic schedules can take over and we don’t prioritise self-care. But we need a shift in attitude. We need to celebrate ourselves and celebrate how valuable self-care can be for our daily psyche and physicality, slotting in time for ourselves because we want to, not because we feel we have to.

I have experienced a burn out. I neglected my mental state and my physical well-being over the years. There have been times where I have allowed stresses and anxiety to become all-consuming. I’m also naturally inclined to put others before me, and of course that’s never a bad thing in moderation, but it can result in you forgetting about yourself and making time for self-care. It can open the door to feeling over-worked and stretched. Then, without self-love, feeling demotivated and feelings of negativity can creep in. However strong-willed we may be physically and mentally, there’s only so far we can go, only so far we can better ourselves and progress if we don’t bring balance into our lives and acknowledge the benefits of taking time out for ourselves.

“Self-care is never a selfish act – it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer to others.”

Parker Palmer
self love coach

I’m so thankful that I had my wake-up call and could begin a journey of personal discovery. I realised that I am important. I should come first in order to become a better, stronger and more giving person in return. I discovered that I was allowed to give myself TLC if I needed to, and so I began to take small steps forward in changing my habits.

Self Love

How do we do this? There’s no surprise that self-love resonates differently for each individual. We can all relate to self-love in lots of different ways. But ultimately, it’s about making small shifts in our daily priorities and how we manage our time. As a Self-Love Coach, I have spent a lot of time considering simple, easy steps we can use to access self-care and the benefits it can have for each of us as individuals. An important part of this was discovering Mindfulness. It’s such a powerful tool to help you practise self-care. What does Mindfulness mean to me? Mindfulness is becoming fully focused on the present, immersing yourself in the present moment. It’s an overruling acceptance that there is only one time and place where you can be and have any control over. It doesn’t need to take up too much time. Even 5 minutes a day will allow you to take stock, evaluate your goals for the day ahead, or appreciate what you have achieved. You can consciously rest your mind and body, breathe, and focus on nothing but yourself.

As a Self-Love Coach, I want to help and support other people through their own personal healing journey so if you have found these thoughts enlightening and helpful please do reach out and we can discuss your path to self-care further.