Perspective Metaphorical Story: The Two Travellers & the Glass

In a bustling marketplace, two weary travellers stopped to rest at a small inn. As they refreshed themselves, they struck up a conversation with the innkeeper, who happened to be a wise and observant old man.

“Tell me,” asked one of the travellers, “what is the key to a happy life?”

The innkeeper smiled and held up a simple glass of water. “It all depends on your perspective,” he replied.

He turned to the first traveller. “To you, my friend, this glass seems half empty. You see only the lack, the absence of what could be.”   The traveller nodded, slightly disappointed.

The innkeeper then turned to the second traveller. “And to you,” he said, “this same glass appears half full. You focus on what is present, on the abundance you have.”   The second traveller beamed, filled with a newfound appreciation for the simple pleasure of water.

The innkeeper continued, “Our lives are much like this glass. We all face challenges and setbacks, but how we perceive them shapes our experience. Those who dwell on the negative, on what they lack, will find themselves constantly drained and dissatisfied. But those who focus on the positive, on the blessings they have, will find joy and fulfilment even in the midst of hardship.”

The two travellers thanked the innkeeper for his wisdom, each taking a different perspective on the remaining water in their cups.

Tips for Harnessing Perspective in Healing & Goal Setting:

  • Challenge limiting beliefs: identify negative thinking and thoughts; reframe negative thinking and thoughts; practice mindfulness.
  • Seek out diverse perspectives: read widely; embrace new activities and skills; engage in debating concepts and ideas.
  • Practice gratitude: Use a gratitude journal to focus on the good in your life happening daily.
  • Visualise your goals: Use NLP techniques and vision boards to imagine your end result.

Embodiment Metaphorical Story: The Butterfly & The Chrysalis

In a secluded garden, nestled among vibrant blooms, lived a caterpillar named Carl. Carl dreamt of soaring through the skies, of tasting the sweet nectar of distant flowers, and of basking in the sun’s warm embrace. He longed to be a butterfly.

One day, Carl began to feel a strange tingling sensation. His body ached and swelled, and he found himself cocooned in a chrysalis, a hard, protective shell. Inside, his world was dark and confined. Fear gnawed at him. “I’ll never be free,” he thought, “trapped in this prison forever.”

Desperate, Carl tried to wiggle out of the chrysalis, but his struggles were futile. Exhausted and defeated, he resigned himself to his fate.

But unbeknownst to Carl, a profound transformation was taking place within the chrysalis. His caterpillar body was slowly dissolving, replaced by delicate wings, intricate patterns, and powerful muscles. He was becoming something entirely new.

Finally, the day arrived when Carl could no longer bear the confinement. With a mighty push, he broke free from the chrysalis. At first, his wings were weak and crumpled, but as he stretched and fluttered them, they unfolded, strong and vibrant.

Emerging into the sunlight, Carl was astonished. He was no longer a lowly caterpillar, but a magnificent butterfly, his dream realized. He took flight, soaring above the garden, tasting the sweet nectar of flowers, and basking in the sun’s warm embrace.

Carl learned that true transformation requires patience, acceptance, and a willingness to let go of the old to embrace the new. He had embodied the change he desired, not just in his mind, but in his very being.

Tips for Harnessing Embodiment in Healing & Goal Setting:

  • Mindfulness & Body Awareness:  Practice mindfulness, body scan meditation and release patterns held within the mind-body.
  • Emotional regulation:  Use cognitive behaviour therapy and mindfulness self-coaching or with a life or spiritual coach to identify, name, release feelings and emotional states.
  • Movement & action:  Engage in physical activities which improve physical energy; engage in mental-emotional activities which improve wellbeing and self-esteem; celebrate each success.
  • Cultivate Self-Compassion:  Practice self-care daily; forgive yourself and others; be kind to yourself.  Small steps taken regularly work better than giant leaps and stopping.
  • Seek support:  Join a community who are seeking to achieve the same results; hire a coach or mentor; connect with family and friends who will encourage you and hold you accountable.

Compounding Metaphorical Story: The Farmer & the Oak Tree

In a small village, a young farmer inherited a piece of land from his father. Eager to cultivate it, he planted a tiny oak seedling. Every day, the farmer diligently watered the seedling, ensuring it received enough sunlight. He weeded around it, protecting it from pests.

Some villagers scoffed, “Why bother with such a small sapling? It will take decades to bear fruit!” But the farmer remained undeterred. He continued his daily rituals, nurturing the young oak with patience and perseverance.

Years turned into decades. The farmer grew old, his hair turning silver, but he never faltered in his care for the oak tree. He passed the responsibility to his son, who, in turn, passed it to his own son.

Generations later, the oak tree had grown into a majestic giant, its branches reaching towards the sky. It provided shade to weary travellers, its acorns fed the village’s livestock, and its sturdy wood was used to build homes and ships.

The villagers, who had once scoffed, now marvelled at the magnificent tree, a testament to the power of consistent effort. They realized that the seemingly insignificant daily actions of the farmer, compounded over time, had created something truly extraordinary.

The oak tree was a living metaphor for the power of compounding habits. Just as the farmer’s small, consistent efforts transformed a tiny seedling into a mighty oak, so too can small, consistent actions in our own lives lead to remarkable achievements. Whether it is daily exercise, reading, or investing, the key lies in consistent effort and unwavering commitment, even when progress seems slow or imperceptible. For, like the oak tree, the rewards of compounding habits are often revealed over time, blossoming into something truly magnificent.

Tips for Harnessing Compounding in Healing & Goal Setting:

  • Start Small: Begin with one or two small, achievable habits.
  • Be Consistent: Make your habits a regular part of your routine.
  • Track Your Progress: Monitor your progress to stay motivated and identify areas for improvement.
  • Be Patient: Compounding takes time. Do not get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately.  

Setting New Year Resolutions (Personal Goals)

If you are going to be setting new year resolutions, remember a goal is usually set because we are seeking to resolve a problem within our life.  This problem could be related to a lack of health and wellbeing, a lack of financial wealth and abundance, a lack of feeling loved and part of a community.

Many individuals will set personal goals with the idea that they will manifest these goals without having to put too much effort into the process.  Very simply, a goal without any effort remains just a wish.  To manifest any goal there will be effort required in mind, body and spirit.

To achieve any outcome, one needs to transform the current way of living and being into a new expression and way of living and being.

Mind & Goal Setting

Focus on What type of thinking and emotional states do I need to embody to create a specific result?

By way of example.  If you want to release weight and struggle to do so, look at how you eat emotionally rather than eating for being healthy.  This will require you to examine how you think, what you feel and what triggers you. 

Body & Goal Setting

Focus on:  What type of behaviours/actions do I need to embody to create a specific result?

By way of example:  You realise that being healthy is the end result of actually wanting to lose weight.  What type of exercise and tracking can you participate in to change your behaviours of not exercising or being a sofa surfer lounge lizard? 

Spirit & Goal Setting

Focus on:  Releasing and reprogramming your mind-body to create a specific result. 

By way of example:  Writing in a gratitude journal daily; reading inspirational stories and motivational self-help books for 15 minutes a day; releasing limiting beliefs using EFT or other method daily; as well as participating in prayer, meditation and contemplation.  Key focus is release and allow the Universe to line up opportunities which lead to the achievement of the goal. 

Monthly Research Project

Research perspective, embodiment of thinking and emoting in relation to goal setting and the power of compounding habits and excellence.

Words of Wisdom

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.”  

~ From the Serenity Prayer

Next month…

Next month is considered to be the month of ‘love’ and the celebration of Valentine’s Day.  I will look into how self-care practices are a powerful way of ‘self-love’ which have the potential to touch, move and inspire others for you as a health coach and/or healing practitioner.

Until next month. From one kindred spirit to another – be safe, be well,  be authentically you.

In gratitude
