The lunar eclipse this month has been a moment of awe for many of us – a glimpse into the celestial mysteries of the universe:
awe. / (ɔː) / noun. overwhelming wonder, admiration, or dread, archaic power to inspire fear or reverence.

In this world of busy-ness, reverence and wonder are lost treasures. I felt deeply moved to be part of the collective human consciousness experiencing the lunar mysteries…in touch with something sacred.
Symbolically, lunar eclipses represent opportunities for life-changing evolution. As the moon resides in the shadow of the earth, so are our unconscious emotions and patterns revealed as she returns to full illumination.
The images of so many of us joined in viewing the eclipse travelling across the globe reminded me that we all need symbols of hope.

On the day of the eclipse, I watched The Moonwalkers. Artemis II plans to land another human mission on the moon in November 2024 – fifty years after the first landing. I felt a moment of exhilaration and hope for humanity as I watched the reels of yester-year, seeing the faces of the ordinary people across the planet, united in sharing in this extraordinary event. I am reminded that the human spirit still thrives on the thrill of exploration and discovery. I was inspired to renew my personal sankalpa (intention) with the gift of this eclipse. To let go of the micro, and to zoom out to the bigger picture.
Some of the themes that appeared for me include:
- Curiosity: Be inspired. Adopt an attitude of curiosity. Be curious about the mechanics of the Moonshot! Allow yourself to be fascinated by the mysteries of the universe. Embrace the spirit of curiosity that has sparked human invention and innovation for millennia. Remember the joy and exhilaration in experiencing the beauty of our universe. Believe in the art of the impossible!
- Letting go & Surrender: Surrender to the overwhelming wonder and awe-inspiring lunar eclipse. Let go of the familiar material self, and simply be. Pause in the beauty in the moment. Feel the wonder of the celestial spheres within our mysterious universe. Release creative imagination hidden beneath our intellectual and logical minds – just be with awe.
- Embracing Change & Play: During the eclipse, the moon transitions through shadow, to partial and full eclipse and back again. Lunar eclipses invite life changes. We can apply these phases of transition to our own experience of transformation, inviting in more play…allowing more childlike wonder and curiosity in our relationship with our next evolution or transformation.
- Hope & Faith: From darkness into light. Earth casts her shadow over the moon, and the moon re-emerges from the darkness. Even in humanity’s darkest moments of suffering, there is light. In the darkness, we may still have faith and hope that the light will return. Humanity’s collective experience of this lunar eclipse reminds us that we are not alone in seeking the light.
- Mystery: Every culture has a story about the moon – from star-crossed lovers across the Milky Way, rabbits, cheese, and men on the moon. The phases and changes of the moon long been ancient symbols, calling humanity to live life embracing cycles of change. Consider this, the moon has the power to shift powerful oceans and waves, and humans are 60% water…as the earth, the sea and the planet are affected by the moon, so might be humanity? As the biodynamic vintner cultivates a more vibrant expression of terroir and more complex flavours, so might we enrich our lives by taking inspiration from the mysteries of the moon in our lives.
Lunar eclipses represent an invitation for us to reflect on who we are, and who we want to be.
How will you choose to interpret this event?
Main – Photo by Bryan Goff on Unsplash