Homeopathy as a complementary therapy
Homeopathy is a complementary therapy that is usually used alongside conventional medical treatments. It aims to treat illnesses with preparations called remedies. These are made from plants, chemicals, minerals, salts and animal substances or even bodily fluids. Homeopathy believes that the remedies stimulate your body’s own healing processes.
Homeopathy (from the Greek “Homoios: similar, and pathos: disease”) is a therapeutic system consisting of curing diseases through substances capable of determining an analogous condition to that which you want to combat. Its main law is based on “Similia, Similibus, curantur” meaning that like is cured by like. This is totally opposite to allopathic treatment that fights with opposing opposites: “Contrary, contrariis, curantur”, i.e. irritation by soothing, etc.
Homeopathy is a therapeutic method that uses homeopathic remedies to restore the health of the patient. These medicines are selected individually for the patient according to the law of similarity, enunciated by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), founder of homeopathy in the late eighteenth century.
The law of similars says that a substance capable of producing a range of symptoms in a healthy person is also able to cure similar symptoms in a sick person when administered in minute doses.
Homeopathic remedies are suitable to treat any disease whether acute or chronic, at any time of life, and can be used as the sole therapy or may be used in conjunction with other therapies. Homeopathy can strengthen your body’s own healing response to the medications.
The efficacy of homeopathy is endorsed by the more than 200 years of clinical experience of homeopaths around the world and the research performed in this field.
Homeopathy has two characteristics that make it different from conventional therapy, the homeopathic medicine and how to prescribe the medicines.