Homeopathy and how it works

How do you take Homeopathic remedies? Tablet or pilule (little pill) form

Remedies should not be handled, use the cap. This avoids the risk of spoiling the remedy. They may however be crushed between two teaspoons for infants. Remedies should be dissolved under the tongue, rather than swallowed, and no food or drink taken for at least 15 minutes either side of remedy.

Here’s a little more detail:

Look under your tongue. It is an environment full of capillaries (blood vessels) surrounded by very soft tissue. If you want something to be absorbed directly into the human body, what better place to do it than somewhere that is rich in blood vessels that carry blood throughout your system rapidly?

Homeopathic products are very clean, meaning they have no binders, fillers or coatings. The soft moulded lactose tablets are made to dissolve almost instantly when placed in the mouth. Because the remedies dissolve in the mouth, they are absorbed by the mucous membranes and carried directly into your system. Because the remedies are absorbed directly into your system through your mouth, they work faster than conventional medicines because conventional medicines are usually coated and don’t get absorbed into the system until the coating is dissolved by the stomach acid, and that generally takes about twenty minutes.

Homeopathic medicated pellets take longer to dissolve, but they don’t taste bad so it is worth the wait. Dilutions are liquid and should be dropped directly under the tongue.

Because the remedies are very clean and fragile, avoid handling them. It is preferable to drop the tablets or pellets into the cap of the bottle, and pour them from the cap into your mouth. Try not to handle the medicines. If more than four pour into the cap, take four- don’t put the pills back into the bottle.

You cannot overdose on homeopathic medicines. If you take fifteen tablets or five tablets (or 100 tablets for that matter) AT ONE TIME it is one dose. You will stimulate your curative response one time. So, it is not a tragedy if more than six tablets fall into the cap, just take them rather than risk putting a contaminated pill back into the bottle to contaminate the others in the bottle.

Finally, some homeopathic medicines may be antidoted by things like mint, caffeine or other remedies. In order to help prevent antidotes, take your remedies one at a time, with a “clean mouth”, meaning nothing to eat or drink 15 minutes before or after taking the remedies.

What can homeopathy be used for?

Homeopathy is used mainly as a complementary treatment. This means it’s given alongside conventional treatments.

As well as tinctures, you can buy homeopathic remedies in the form of sugar-based tablets, pills, granules and powders that you dissolve in your mouth. You can also get some as creams or ointments to apply directly to your skin. Homeopathy2u Ltd supplies the finest remedies from Ainsworths.

Most homeopaths claim that homeopathy is holistic and doesn’t just treat the symptoms of a disease, but takes into account your mind, body and spirit. It’s used for many different disorders, including:

  •  Allergies
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Digestive Disorders
  • Eczema
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Hay Fever
  • Migraine
  • Period Problems
  • Vertigo
  • Acne