What To Expect At A Wim Hof Method Workshop From Vitae Vi 

Dan Hughes
Written by Dan Hughes

The Wim Hof Method is a simply followed, natural path to an optimal state of mind & body, all backed by scientific studies.

It harnesses the full extent of the natural elements our bodies already use, specifically the air we breathe and temperature.

The Wim Hof Method trains the nervous, cardio-vascular and immune system to become more robust, better prepared and provides ‘life force’ energy and natural systems balance to enable you to tackle the stresses of daily life, whatever they may be – emotional, physical or physiological.

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I’ve heard a lot about breathwork & cold exposure – its all over the news!

Our experience is that people come along to our Wim Hof Method workshops because they are interested and curious about what all the talk is about, others want to experience a totally still mind whilst sat in a bath of near-freezing water. 

For some it’s the awakening of the strength of mind and the setting of intention, whilst some want to learn how to self-heal from physiological or psychological illness.

Essentially the workshops are suitable for anyone who is of reasonable health – you don’t need to be an experienced breather or an ice-viking! 

We advise that certain health conditions avoid the Wim Hof Method without first taking specialist advice from a GP or medical practitioner. Absolute contraindications include pregnancy, heart conditions, epilepsy, or other serious health conditions.Whatever your angle, you will leave fully energised, motivated and with a powerful sense of achievement and the tools to practice at home.

Photo by Elijah Hiett on Unsplash

What can I expect during a Vitae Vi half-day workshop?

  • We usually run our workshops at weekends with groups of up to 12 people!
  • During our workshop you will learn the power of the breath, the strength of the mind and how to deal with cold exposure which sets off a cascade of health and well-being benefits. 
  • A light touch on the science behind the Wim Hof Method so you can appreciate and understand how it can positively impact your mind and body. 
  • Take part in a fully-guided Wim Hof Method breathwork session – powerful, beautiful but also incredible. 
  • Improve your mindset and commitment. 
  • Hop into the ice bath for an experience you’ll never have had before – again, powerful but deeply relaxing, energising and mind-clearing.
  • Learn how to safely practice the breathwork and cold exposure at home.
  • Leave with a deep sense of satisfaction, enthusiasm, energy and sense of well-being plus the best nights sleep!  

Before The Workshop Even Starts

  • You will receive our pre-event email which contains details on what to expect, what to bring along on the day, how to prepare and most importantly, a link to our health declaration and a little bit about your motivation for coming along.
  • We’ll ask you to think about a life goal you want to achieve, so we can use that for one of the mindset exercises.
  • The nerves will undoubtedly start to rise BUT embrace those nerves and convert them into positive energy in preparation for a potentially positive life-changing journey!

During The Workshop

  • Bring the things we list out on the pre-workshop email the week before, including how to get used to the cold in your shower.
  • We advise you to arrive having had only a light breakfast – the Wim Hof Method breathwork is better on an empty stomach.
  • Arrive on time as a mark of respect to the other participants who arrived on time! 
  • You’ll meet a group of like-minded souls, all looking to improve their health, well-being and seeking the ability to be able to control their minds in all the situations of life. 
  • We work together on your mindset, limiting beliefs and stepping outside comfort zones to help you achieve grater things. 
  • If you wish, we’ll take a photograph of you in the ice bath to show you that you are stronger than you think you are! You can then pin that on your fridge as a reminder every day! 
  • There will be plenty of drinks available, time for questions and if you’re lucky, some home-made snacks! 
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What Happens After The Workshop?

  • We’ll send you a helpful booklet by email that will guide you through the things you learnt during the workshop so you can practice the breathwork and cold exposure safely at home and begin to build your own routine.
  • We’ll send you links to instructional videos, and if you want it, our breathwork playlist! 
  • We’ll invite you to join our social channels (you can join now if you haven’t already @vitaeviofficial) and you’ll be invited to join our private WhatsApp group, exclusively for those who have completed our workshops for future news, tips, informative blogs, new events and discounts.
  • We are always on hand to answer any questions you may have as you begin your practice journey – we’ve been asked anything from the best way to make lots of ice, to which ice bath to buy for home use and how to practice the breath-holds. We love getting your questions! 
  • We both see the workshop as the start of your journey on exploring your breath and cold exposure – and we are here to guide and support you along the way. It’s definitely not a turn-up-and-go-home-never-to-be-seen-again relationship! 

Love It! How Do I Book?

  • Find others to bring along; the shared experience is something you will remember and talk about for months afterwards – we offer small discounts for groups, please do get in touch! 
  • Head to our website www.vitaevi.co.uk and learn more about us and the courses, classes and workshops we offer. 
  • Or click here Wim Hof Method Fundamentals Workshop | Vitae Vi to go straight to the Wim Hof Method workshop page. 
  • Scroll across the calendar to find a suitable date and click “Book Here”. 
  • Book early as our workshops are hugely popular and usually sell out.

Where Can I Find More Information? 

We offer our Wim Hof Method Fundamentals workshops across Hampshire and West Sussex. Again, check out our website here for more information Our Locations | Vitae Vi.

We are exclusive partners to the stunning Cowdray Estate and beautiful Champneys Spa Group, head to their websites to find out more (you’ll have to book direct with them both). 

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

You’re Interested? So Why Wait?

The tools we teach you during our workshops are tools for life. They will help you build a super-power of positive mindset, resilience, the ability to control stress, anxiety, sleep better, increase energy and have greater immunity. 

For many people, the workshop has been transformational.

Check out our Google Reviews to see what people have been saying here.

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