Cancer and Colour Therapy

Colour Therapy

Colour Therapy is a natural therapy tool which uses colours to restore or promote energy balances within an individual.

It is a complementary therapy for which there is evidence dating back thousands of years to the ancient cultures of Egypt, China and India.

It is a totally holistic and non-invasive therapy and, really, colour should be a part of our everyday life, not just something we experience for an hour or two with a therapist.

The colours we interact with can impact us on an emotional, mental, spiritual and physical level.

The Seven Main Chakras of the Body :

The Chakras are energy centres in the body like cogs in a machine.  They all need to be running smoothly for the body to function properly.

Colour therapy uses the visible spectrum of light that surrounds us at all times. We need light in order to function and to remain healthy as our bodies use the colour energy to balance within. Colour therapy incorporates music, food you eat, clothes, interior decor, jewellery and colour tinctures.

In the seventeenth century, Sir Isaac Newton developed the colour wheel using visible colours of the spectrum. However, thousands of years ago the Egyptians used colour therapy for healing and the Hindu chakra rainbow colour therapy system evolved, associating a specific colour to each chakra or energy centre:

Root – red,

Sacral – orange,

Solar Plexus – yellow,

Heart – green,

Throat – blue,

Third Eye – indigo and

Crown – violet, creating an inner harmony.

Colour therapy also includes our auras or personal energy fields. These use colour energy to reflect the condition of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. The majority of us have a predominant colour in our aura with other colours radiating out from the base and around the head. The colours in our aura continually change depending on internal and external influences. Whilst some people naturally see auras.

Colour  therapy is based around recognising the colour energy that we are drawn to and bringing it into our lives with the use of clothing, home decor, jewellery or food in order to balance the energy within. there are many things that you can do for yourself including a relaxing Colour Energy bath.

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