“Mankind is in a time of deep vibrational transformation and divine alignment. Some are consciously...
Category - Spiritual
Spiritual therapies aim to treat the soul as well as mind and body by accessing individual belief systems.
Intuition and the Tarot
Intuition We all have a certain degree of what is called intuition. This may or may not include...
Why is it important to spend time realigning yourself every day?
You know those moments when you feel completely overwhelmed? When you feel like you are being...
In the Heavenly Spotlight: Archangel Raguel – The...
What I love about angels is that once you invite them into your life and allow yourself to connect...
Amazing April!
Hi fabulous peeps! Welcome to another month, a month of amazing opportunities for growth and self...
In the Heavenly Spotlight: Archangel Raphael
Raphael (whose name means “God has healed” or “God heals”) is one of my personal favourite Angels...
In the Heavenly Spotlight: Archangel Michael
In our Western civilisation, Michael is probably one of the most well-known and well-loved...
Maintain a High Energy Field
How to maintain a High Vibe Energy Field in Daily Life It is so easy to get bogged down with stuff...
What are attunements and how can they help me?
I have been working with the spirit world for a number of years, and I created Spiritualhart in...