Over the course of our lives, most of us have probably tried several ‘quick fixes’ with the aim of...
Category - Therapies
Articles covering a wide variety of complementary therapies from Reiki to Matrix Re-imprinting. Dive in and discover more.
Breaking Unwanted Habits
Struggling to let go of an unwanted habit? Maybe you want to quit smoking, nail biting, overeating...
Chronic Pain and Identity
Why disentanglement, and changing our language around pain, are crucial to healing. When you...
Your job could be making you Chronically Sick
We now have neurological evidence that there is a positive correlation between body and mind...
The Healing Eight
Practitioner Learning From Frontline Contexts To begin with, it was never my intention to re engage...
Transform Your Life with Rapid Transformational Therapy
How RTT is Revolutionising the World of Therapy. Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) is a powerful...
How Mindset Influences Pain
“My body is betraying me. I can’t trust it anymore”. These are the words spoken by Liuan Huska...
The Physical Impact of Our Emotions
Why feeling our emotions is important for our mental and physical health. While the mind-body...
Conquer Your Social Anxiety
3 Practical Tips and the Power of Hypnotherapy. As a qualified hypnotherapist with an online and...