Self Care in Sound My name is Emma-Jane, I am a Confidence Coach and professional musician with an...
Category - Therapies
Articles covering a wide variety of complementary therapies from Reiki to Matrix Re-imprinting. Dive in and discover more.
April is IBS awareness month!
IBS awareness month is a world-wide campaign designed to raise awareness of IBS, which stands for...
How to Clean up Your Mental Mess with Body and Mind Training?
The Path to Inner Peace. “All over the world people are in some kind of mental...
Here Be Dragons!
In ancient times, it was quite common for map-makers to write: “HIC SUNT DRACONES” which meant...
Grief Tending
Grief Tending is a Way to Care for Our Broken Hearts Why do we need Grief Tending? Leaning into how...
Lights, Camera, Action!
Time for the movie of your life. Make it memorable What makes a movie great? I’m sure that no...
Light the mind with Rapid Transformational Therapy
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Kasandra Benedetti and I’m a Certified RTT...
Rapid Transformational Therapy
I would like to start with some very important quotes. The mind does what it thinks you want it to...
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
I still remember this clearly , as though it happened yesterday. Whilst perusing through YouTube...