Meditation Guide: How to Begin your Meditation Journey

How do I develop a Meditation Habit (and keep it up!)

When looking into how to develop a meditation habit I have found that different authors offer advice using slightly different methods and steps. I have selected a number of articles that represent these different perspectives from in depth to relatively simple.

1. Live and Dare

Giovanni has written quite an in depth article about how a beginner can go about setting firm foundations for starting and maintaining a meditation habit in Meditation for Beginners. The techniques described would most likely be very useful in creating habits for other things you wish to start as well.

2. The Chopra Centre

8 Steps to Establish a Daily Meditation Practice covers 8 simple steps you can take to start and maintain your meditation habit.

3. About Meditation

Although the article was written in 2015 what it contains within is still relevant 5 simple steps to create a meditation habit that sticks.  The steps are similar but more simplistic to those offered by Live and Dare.

Develop a Meditation Habit

Meditation practice isn’t about trying to throw ourselves away and become something better, it’s about befriending who we are.

Ani Pema Chodron

4. Headspace

How to meditate every day explains simply how to develop a “habit loop” that you can use to start and maintain your meditation practise.

5. Do You Yoga

The Beginners Guide to Creating a Meditation Habit that Lasts once again talks about the “habit loop” and how to hack into it to make it work for you and your meditation practise.

Hopefully you now understand how good for you meditation can be, you’ve found one or more types of meditation that you think you’d like to try out, and you’ve got a good idea of how you’re going to make your meditation habit stick. Now let’s look at how you can start meditating.