Meditation Guide: How to Begin your Meditation Journey

How do I actually go about Meditating?

how to meditate Chopra centre

If you look around the internet you will find numerous infographics that beautifully depict the simplest ways to start meditating as well as articles that go into a little more detail.

1. The Art of Living

8 tips to get started with meditation offers simple yet effective steps to get you started.

2. Mindworks

To avoid overcomplicating the meditation process read How to start meditating: Meditation techniques for Beginners another article that describes a simple process to get you started.

Body on your seat, mind in your body, mind in relaxation.”

Patrul Rinpoche

3. Zen Habits

A slightly more indepth look at tips for beginners Meditation for Beginners: 20 practical Tips for Understanding the Mind

4. The Concious Life

A comprehensive guide for beginners the How to Meditate for Beginners offers basic instructions to get started followed by some tips and answers to commonly asked questions.

Next time I will look at the Meditaton Apps, podcasts and videos that are out there….