One Hundred Left

Some people might consider this exercise as morbid, I consider it realistic! This won’t come as a surprise but we are all going to die! We have a finite amount of time on this planet.
Our lives are made up of sections of time.
Time we live at home, time we make it on our own, time when we maybe meet someone and live with them etc. I like to consider each moment a gift, so to ensure we make the most of that gift I place a time value on it. The first time I did this was when my child was growing up. I recognised I had roughly 18 years of her spending Christmas with me. Maybe she would bring someone else into our world or maybe she would go travelling, either way I wanted to make the most of those Christmases. By acknowledging this number meant I intentionally chose how to spend those.
Putting a number to how many summers I have with a healthy body, or how many birthdays I have in my current country that I’m living in will ensure I take full advantage of that time. Use this following exercise in any way that means you live with clarity and intention
Think of the phrase “Live every day as if it is your last.”
If you only had one summer left, how would you spend it? Well, luckily you have your entire life ahead, so how are you going to spend your summers, holidays, or other celebrations that happen once a year?