The Emmett Technique

Emmett in My Practice

My youngest client has been 6 weeks old [with feeding problems] and the eldest has been an elderly lady aged 94 who came regularly to maintain her mobility and level of comfortable movement to retain an enviable level of independence.

A Typical Day in the practice :

  • The first client of the day had been unable to move her right arm above mid chest level for many months. She had been told that it was a ‘frozen shoulder’ and that it would take around 18 – 24 months to improve. Not able to work and restricted in what she could do for herself – dressing, carrying shopping, housework; she was also getting more than a little anxious about what the next year would hold. After an assessment of movement I performed three small release moves and asked her to move the arm again within her comfort level. To her surprise the arm lifted easily by an extra 40 degrees of movement. Selective release of surrounding muscles brought even more movement.
  • My next client arrived with acute back pain. Being over 6 foot tall, he was spending a lot of his day at a desk, driving to see customers and then going home to help with three very active little boys. All this contributed to his mid and low back pain. Having battered his body playing Rugby he was amazed at the pain-free simplicity of the Emmett Treatment. There was great improvement in comfort during the first session. A follow up session solved the immediate issues and changes to his work and driving posture have helped his back. He continues to attend for maintenance as needed.
  • An elderly client arrived for help with her balance before going on holiday. She felt less secure on her feet and there was difficulty in maintaining her posture. Working with the core Psoas Muscle and also with the muscles of the lower legs and feet her balance was greatly improved. Feedback from family was that she had gone away and walked about happily without discomfort throughout her holiday.
  • A committed runner came in for what he called ‘an MOT’ before his first Iron Man competition the following week. For sportspeople, Emmett Technique is great for checking balance and adjusting any muscles that are not as flexible as they could be, bringing easier and less laborious swimming, cycling and running actions. Later feedback was that he had successfully completed IronMan Wales – a fantastic achievement.
  • The last client of the day was a singer having acute problems in his neck and upper back. It seems he had been singing in a choir for some years and due to a shortage of tenors he was asked to sing above his normal singing range. He had strained his neck muscles until they felt absolutely solid! He was unable to sleep or work and could not drive his car as he couldn’t turn his head. 20 minutes later he was comfortable within a normal range of movement and left the clinic with a promise not to sing the high tenor part again!

Wouldn’t you enjoy being able to help your clients this quickly and this simply!