The Magic of Matrix Reimprinting

With Matrix Reimprinting, this is taken a step further. Not only do you NOT connect in with the emotions that were felt that day, making it a wonderful, gentle therapy to help with significant traumatic events, you imagine your current self tapping with the version of you that experienced those events. This has the advantage of the current ‘you’ being able to offer wisdom to the younger ‘you’. When bad things happen we often believe it will be the end of the world, and if the current self can reassure the younger one that all is well, it can make a profound difference. As someone once said to me “I only really trust myself, so having the current me reassure the younger me is very therapeutic”.

Secondly, we can make some changes to how events unfolded. We do not deny what happened, but as in the case of my six year old, we imagined that she was included and told what was happening rather than being left uncertain, scared and confused. As Karl Dawson explains, you become the director of the play, not just an actor.

As the scene is replayed, different emotions, usually more positive ones, are felt and these can be ‘reimprinted’ into the scene. The consequence of this is that the beliefs that we make in moments of crisis, and which often then colour our lives, can be changed in an instant and that has a significant impact on our day to day behaviour.

Who benefits from Matrix Reimprinting?

I have yet to meet someone who didn’t benefit from this therapy. It is easy to grasp and when used by a competent practitioner, it can be effective at dealing with everything from PTSD to chronic pain and illness plus a host of other things.

You can find a practitioner at

Training is available to anyone who has completed Level 2 practitioner training in Emotional Freedom Technique and you can find training opportunities at the link above.

Karl Dawson has written two books on the subject:

Matrix Reimprinting using EFT (with Sasha Allenby)
Transform your beliefs, Transform your life (with Kate Marillat)

Both published by Hay House