The Route Map of the Chakras

Chakra healing
Jaye Mason
Written by Jaye Mason

Using the Chakras to Free Your Personal Power

Today most people with an interest in complementary healing or personal development, especially if they also have an interest in Eastern spirituality, Yoga or the martial arts, are aware of the chakra system. The chakras are the energy centres within our subtle body, the principal seven aligning approximately with the spinal column. These centres take in, process, and distribute throughout our system vital life energy (also known as prana, ki or chi) without which we couldn’t live any more than we could without air, water or food.

The Chakra System
The Chakra System: structure and location in the body

Similarly most people know we are surrounded by and contained within an egg-shaped electro-magnetic vibratory field known as the Aura, which protects us, energises us, affects and reflects our well-being on every level.

We ARE our chakras


Perhaps less well-known is that each of our seven principal chakras is directly connected with a layer of our aura, and each auric layer is created by its corresponding chakra’s vibratory energy.

Maybe you also didn’t know the chakras are not only energy processing centres but information centres – data centres, receiving and processing information from our experiences and the world around us from the moment we’re born.

When we absorb prana it’s conditioned and assimilated in line with the information already held within our chakras. Then it’s distributed through our system accordingly, so we retain the same energy patterns, belief systems and identity.

As you know, what we deep down believe is what we get. Similarly, what we project from our aura is what we receive back from the Universe. We are electro-magnetic energy (our physical body is just the densest form) and we resonate with and attract energy of a similar type to what we’re giving out. This is the foundation of the Law of Attraction, but also a basic law of physics.

So what happens when our chakras have been imprinted with toxic information harmful to us, to our well-being, goals and success in life?

Why would that happen?

Root chakra
The root chakra is the
foundation of our being

At our young age when our lowest chakras are forming, we don’t yet have a developed conscious mind and reasoning system. Like sponges we are vulnerable and receptive to everything we see, hear and sense around us, to all we experience from the outside world, which enters unfiltered into our subconscious mind, our nervous system and our energy system.

For example, the first chakra, the foundation of our whole system and personal identity, is concerned with our safety and security, our most basic survival needs, and our sense of belonging. If we could develop in line with the natural order of things, then imprinted on this chakra would be feelings of safety, being grounded, solid, loved and secure, wanted and valued for who we are in the body we are in; feelings that the world and the universe are positive and healthy places for us; and of confidence, that our most fundamental needs will be met.

But if there was trauma surrounding our birth; if we were born into conditions of lack, emotional or financial problems, if our parents were under stress, or not able to be fully there for us physically; if we sensed hostility to our having been born; then our base chakra will have been imprinted with corresponding information:

I am not safe here

I am not really wanted

I am not valuable

My body is not OK

I can’t expect my needs to be met

My being born was a mistake

I am in the wrong place/time/body

Above all, with a sense of being ‘not OK’ at a very deep, physical, visceral level that will be very hard to shift later on.