Time for the movie of your life. Make it memorable What makes a movie great? I’m sure that no...
Category - Lifestyle
Sometimes small changes to habits, diet, exercise can set your physical and mental health on the right path.
Take time out
How are you doing? Probably a silly question, right? Unfortunately, we are still dealing with...
Winter Swimming
We have now passed the Winter Solstice and as the days get imperceptibly longer and nights shorter...
Why self-acceptance is key to a serene life and how to get...
How many times a day do you do things seeking approval? Too many? Keep on reading. When we are...
How to have a wonderful Christmas without the panic
If you’ve been feeling rather uncomfortable lately and thinking; ‘not this again’ or ‘is it really...
Self-care at work
I don’t have time, I don’t have time “I’m late” said the White Rabbit in Alice in...
Waking up to the menopause
October is Menopause Awareness month and this October you may have noticed the voices of menopause...
Stop letting fear hold you back!
So many people are held back by fear of embarrassing themselves and making a mistake. This fear can...
Diet and Inflammation
Dr Marion Gluck, founder of The Marion Gluck Clinic explains how to reduce inflammation through...