The Route Map of the Chakras

How does this affect other areas of life?

The chakras are stacked on top of each other, like storeys in a block of flats, or CDs in a rack. Energy flows into us from the root chakra upwards, and each chakra draws energy from the one below it.

In the natural order of things, feeling safe, secure and grounded in our body,  as our second chakra opened we would feel free to open with it to life – to joy, pleasure, sensation, feeling, excitement, passion, to our personal power, and to receiving and having our needs met by the universe.

But if our first chakra is telling us the world is not safe, then we daren’t risk having our full range of feelings. We can’t risk feeling passionate, joyful and free, or take the chance of exploring our power. We don’t dare be vulnerable. We know our needs won’t be met, so our little body and energy system react accordingly. And as we continue through life, the energy we put out is the energy we get back, and that reinforces the toxic beliefs we already hold.

According to Carolyn Myss, one of the world’s leading chakra experts, 99% of people have such problems (what I call ‘toxic imprints’) wired into their first and second chakras. These may take the form of health, emotional, relationship or financial issues, or just about anything else.

The Higher Chakras

Live life - Chakras

Because the chakras are so inter-dependent, as our higher chakras open we will experience more blocks and have more problems come up, because our vital energy won’t be flowing freely. Rhys Thomas, Founder of the renowned Rhys Thomas Energy Medicine School in Boston, compared it to holding down a guitar string with one finger so the note vibrates off-key instead of the way it’s meant to.

So often chakra work neglects the lower chakras while concentrating on the upper ones, focusing on beautiful meditations, spiritual affirmations and prayer. This can be incredibly uplifting, and certainly every chakra is vital. It’s in the balanced functioning of the chakras that we reach our full potential.

But unless we do the healing work on our lower chakras, we can often remain stuck in our head. We have blissful experiences, but when we return to our physical lives we still have financial problems, we are still stuck in a job that doesn’t reward us or a relationship that doesn’t nourish us, we are still unable to break unwanted habits, or feel the passion, joy and enthusiasm for our life in the world that is our birthright.

It’s our lower chakras that fire us up with passion for our goals, with courage and confidence to design the life we want and go for it, with charisma to make an impact on other people and be SEEN, with personal power to stop playing small and live to the full, to fully feel our joy in and love of life.

It’s precisely these areas where the ‘talking’ therapies and even methods like regular Life Coaching often struggle to make much impact, and here’s the reason – our resistance was hard-wired into our nervous system before we had words to use to make sense of what was happening.

Transformation - chakras

But the great thing is – the chakra system provides us with a fantastic route map to the inner self! Once we know where the blocks are, we can go straight for them. Then the powerful tools and techniques of leading-edge systems like energy psychology, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), hypnosis, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), and quantum dynamics can clear them quickly and easily and transform your life to get the very results you want, much more quickly than you would imagine possible![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Several years ago I suffered a major double bereavement which led me to a nervous breakdown. I was offered anti-depressants and counselling so I could function. I refused, since I wanted to do a great deal more with the rest of my life than just ‘function’! But nothing worked for me to restore my energy, joy, passion for living, enthusiasm, empowerment and sheer love of life, until I discovered and started working on myself with the techniques I now share with my clients in my coaching programmes.