From Doctor to Patient to Doctor Again In 2021, my life changed overnight when I was diagnosed with...
Maslow & The Pursuit Of Happiness
Happiness, a feeling of great pleasure or content of mind, arising from satisfaction with one’s...
CELSIUS Energy Drink
A Vibe For Everyone Need an energy boost that won’t leave you jittery or questioning your life...
My Story
From Doctor to Patient to Doctor Again In 2021, my life changed overnight when I was diagnosed with...
Nutrition For Strength
Muscle strength is the ability we have to contract our muscles against a resisting force for a...
The Crucial Role Of Microbiota…
…In Inflammatory Diseases “The smallest one is not always the one we think“ Microbiota...
Reese Huckle
Training Hard, Competing Fiercely, & Giving Back It’s been a whirlwind few weeks for Reese...
SUP Yoga Breathing Techniques
It seems a long time since my final SUP Yoga class of the summer but now the days are getting...
Technique vs Understanding
Or Understanding vs Technique Swimming technique is over-rated! There, I said it… Photo by Donald...
Befriending Your Nervous System
Stress Let’s talk about stress. I don’t think we talk about it enough. And as someone once told me...
SUP Yoga Breathing Techniques
It seems a long time since my final SUP Yoga class of the summer but now the days are getting...
How To Squat Deeper
A Yoga Instructor’s Guide One of the most common questions that I get as a yoga instructor both in...