What is Access Consciousness? It is an innovative and pragmatic method, a toolbox to use every day...
Category - Therapies
Articles covering a wide variety of complementary therapies from Reiki to Matrix Re-imprinting. Dive in and discover more.
Wonderful World of Aromatherapy
What is Aromatherapy? Aromatherapy is the practice of using natural oils, specifically essential...
Herb Science
I became interested in plants when I was about 12 years old. Clutching a handful of wild flower...
CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach: An Inside Perspective
For several years, I struggled with a range of symptoms which no doctor, health professional or so...
Animal Communication and Reiki
Animal communication, or interspecies telepathic communication, is a telepathic communication...
Solution Focused Brief Therapy: It Does Work
So, save time and money, and reach for the sky! When my clients describe their experience of...
The Nutrition of Mental Health
Soul Food
Chavutti – The Dancing Massage
Chavutti Thirumal or “Indian rope massage” is a highly enjoyable and deeply relaxing treatment...