Cupping therapy is an ancient medical treatment that has been around for thousands of years and was...
Category - Therapies
Articles covering a wide variety of complementary therapies from Reiki to Matrix Re-imprinting. Dive in and discover more.
What is Reiki? Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key) focuses on the universal life energy force which is all...
The Glasswalk The sound of glass breaking underfoot as you walk slowly across can be scary, even...
How A Game Winning Poker Focus Can Help In Real Life
A game winning focus is not something that comes naturally. For those that have it though it...
Benefits of Homeopathic Meso-PRP Regenerative Therapy
Steroid free injection for Skin rejuvenation, muscular and joint disorders as well as pain...
Canine Psychology – Happy Dog MC
The field of Canine Psychology is often confused with Dog Training and although there are blurred...
What is fascia?
What is fascia and how can work on fascia help to relieve chronic pain, tension, stiffness and...
Colour Therapy for Health Benefits
Today we take colour for granted. When it comes to colour we place more emphasis on fashion and...
The three stages of my spiritual understanding of all healings...
I’m an energy therapist, and I teach workshops on the type of healing that I am privileged to be...